When was the last time you tried a new cheese?
If you have ever described yourself as a cheese lover and would like to learn more about the variety of Swiss cheeses, then we have something for you... With our cheezy cheese boxes we regularly supply you with different types of cheese from all over Switzerland and deliver at least four pieces of this edible delight to your home. That alone is reason enough for many people to order one of these surprise boxes . But in this article, we explain why you benefit in more ways than one with our cheese boxes .
1. get to know the variety of Swiss cheeses
Let us guess: When you're standing in front of the cheese shelf in a retail store, you scan it until you recognize a package and then reach for your old familiar classics. It's the same for many others! And yet many people say time and again that they would like to get to know the variety of Swiss cheeses better. And that's exactly why we launched cheezy . Did you know that there are over 700 different types of cheese in Switzerland? With our cheese subscriptions, you will be able to try at least some of them. What's more, with our cheese boxes you directly support Swiss dairy farmers.

2. bring variety into everyday life
You probably think of distant travels and other cultures when you hear words like "change in everyday life" or "breaking up routines". In fact, it is possible to break up daily routines by making small changes. You can do this with a walk in nature or a new recipe, for example. Or you can opt for one of our cheese boxes. You have full control: you decide whether we deliver to you at intervals of 4, 8 or 12 weeks and whether you want the cheese size S, M or L. We always pay attention to seasonality and change the range every month so that you can get to know the variety of Swiss cheeses. Of course, you can cancel your subscription at any time.
DISCOVER CHEESE SUBSCRIPTION3. acquire cheese knowledge
With every order, we not only send you the cheese, but also an information card. With this card you will learn about the cheese dairy, what makes the cheese supplied so special and how it differs from our own cheeses.
4. surprise for your surroundings
Of course, you can not only benefit from cheese box yourself, but also take a cheese to work. Our included information cards about the individual cheeses are sure to impress your work colleagues and who doesn't like to try something edible that is offered to them? You can also surprise your friends with our cheeses and your newly acquired knowledge about them on your next visit. Wine tastings have long been popular among friends. Why not start a cheese tasting? Of course you can also combine a cheese box with a matching wine. You will find a selection of fine wines in our webshop.

From getting to know the huge variety of Swiss cheeses to breaking out of your daily routine and collecting cheezies for discounts - with cheezy cheese boxes you benefit in many ways. Our information cards provide special added value for all gourmets and with every purchase you support Swiss dairy farmers.
Still not sure whether you want a subscription? Of course you can also buy a one-off cheese box and try out the surprise risk-free.
Order yours today cheese box from cheezy.

Simple, convenient and always surprising. Swiss cheese enjoyment at home.