Discover the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch!
Green landscapes, wildly romantic terrain and breathtaking moorland - the Swiss Nature Parks make every hiker's heart beat faster. But the nature parks not only impress with their flora and fauna: they also offer delicious specialties that are produced with regional know-how, enthusiasm and passion. For June, we would like to introduce you to the Entlebuch.
The Entlebuch covers the 395 km2 main valley of the Kleine Emme between Bern and Lucerne and has around 17,000 inhabitants. In it lies the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch. The Lucerne Nature Park has the highest density of moors in Switzerland: 44 raised bogs, 61 fens and 4 large moorlands characterize the landscape. The moor in the Laubersmad area is even on the list of the most important wetlands in the world. With the establishment of the biosphere, the protected natural and cultural landscape is being preserved and at the same time sustainable regional development is being realized. Conservation, research, education, tourism, agriculture and the marketing of local products under the "ECHT ENTLEBUCH" brand all have their place here.
We recommend a visit to Zyberliland Romoos and a detour to the mountain hay dairy farmer: the circular route to the Zyberliland play and adventure park starts in the middle of the village of Romoos. Whether playing, sliding, climbing, splashing, crawling or rolling balls - the Zyberliland nature play park with its attractive play worlds offers all this and guarantees an unforgettable experience for children and adults alike. If you want to discover the origins of mountain hay milk cheese and are looking for a special experience, then a trip to the farm of mountain hay milk farmer Erich Unternährer is well worthwhile. If you book in advance, you can find out more about sustainable milk production. The farm is home to the child-friendly Sonnehöfli vacation home, which can be booked for farm vacations.
The cheese selection comes from the Biosphäre Berg Käserei Doppelschwand, which has a long tradition. In 1892, not only was the Coca Cola Company founded or the escalator and toothpaste tube patented, but a cheese cooperative was founded by fifteen farmers in the small mountain village of Doppleschwand. A responsible approach to nature and respect for the craft were as much a matter of course for the farmers and the master cheesemaker in Doppleschwand back then as they are today. Especially since the Entlebuch region was declared a UNESCO biosphere reserve almost twenty years ago and the first Swiss nature park a good ten years ago. The master cheesemaker has repeatedly developed new cheese creations and the cheese dairy has been continuously adapted to the latest technology. One thing has remained the same: the almost 15 mountain farmers bring their fresh milk to the nearby cheese dairy every day. The daily, personal contact between master cheesemaker Xaver Lustenberger and the farmers is also noticeable in the quality of the cheese.
We wish you a pleasant, enjoyable and eventful hike!

Simple, convenient and always surprising. Swiss cheese enjoyment at home.